Thursday, 24 September 2015

My favorite Linux/VMware ESXi console keyboard shortcuts.

I am working a lot with the text console and love keyboard shortcuts which improve my work efficiency.Some of them can be used on VMware ESXi text console((VMware))

Ctrl + U     Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line.((VMware))
Ctrl + H     Same as backspace.
Ctrl + R     Let’s you search through previously used commands.(
Ctrl + C     Kill whatever you are running. (
Ctrl + D     Exit the current shell. (
Ctrl + Z     Puts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it.(
Ctrl + W     Delete the word before the cursor. (
Ctrl + K     Clear the line after the cursor. (
Ctrl + T     Swap the last two characters before the cursor. ((Linux only))
Ctrl + Y     Paste the content of buffer after Ctrl + K or Ctrl + U usage. ((
Linux only))
Ctrl + A     Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on. (
Ctrl + E     Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on. (
Ctrl + L     Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command. (
Esc + T      Swap the last two words before the cursor. ((
Linux only))
Alt + F      Move cursor forward one word on the current line. ((
Alt + B      Move cursor backward one word on the current line. ((
Alt + .      Paste the last argument of last command. ((
Linux only))
Tab          Auto-complete files and folder names. ((

The End.

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