Saturday, 7 June 2014

VMware VMtools 'IP address' and 'DNS Name' information missing in vcenter Summary TAB

In Summary TAB in viClient connected to vCenter or directly to esxi host, choosing VM with installed VMtools we can see IP address and DNS Name. 

For Microsoft Windows machines guestinfo.dll is responsible for passing this information to ESXi host and vCenter.

For Linux e.g. RHEL we have similar to  Microsoft .dll dynamically linked shared object library file is passing info to ESXi host and vCenter.

Based on VMware KB article we can set vmx parameter to disable/enable this information in Summary TAB.

If we set the parameter to FALSE we enabling to pass information about IP and DNS to ESXi host and vCenter.

If we set the parameter to TRUE we disabling to pass information about IP and DNS to ESXi host and vCenter.

In paranoid security environments you can remove guestInfo.dll on Windows machines by running this batch .bat script:

Rem Delete GuestInfo.dll
net stop vmtools
del "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\plugins\vmsvc\"guestinfo.dll
echo > "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\plugins\vmsvc\"guestinfo.dll.removed
net start vmtools

Removing on linux system doesn't change this behavior (I need to do more deep research for that) you have to use vmx parameter.

By default this parameter is not added during VM creation and information from GuestOS is passed to ESXi and vCenter.

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